Steel Flanges,Pipes,Pipe Fittings

The iron and steel industry is still grim. In 2014, 185 million tons of crude steel production in hebei province, fell 0.60% than last year. This subtle changes is so high-profile subtle changes for the first time in 14 years. Once supported with the world steel first “decades of economic development of pillar industries, is now labeled the” high pollution, high energy consumption and low efficiency “label. Haze become more and more serious and steel is into a target.
we cannot bear the steel pollution, especially in hebei province. neither the surrounding nor the iron and steel industry itself is unbearable.
Steel production declining is bound to produce a series of influences. The downstream steel industry, such as steel pipe, pipe fittings industry is bound to be affected. Hebei hai hao steel pipes, pipe fittings group will actively respond, strive for the successful completion of each barrel of customer orders.
pipe fitting